Operations Strategy: Principles and Practice provides a unified framework for operations strategy. The book shows how to tailor the operational system to maximize value and competitive advantage. Conceptual thinking and financial optimization yield guidelines for implementation. This dual emphasis on principles and practice is reflected by analytical models that are illustrated with detailed examples and a dozen case studies of real business situations.
What's new in the second edition?
This second edition contains changes along various dimensions. First, Professor
Allon has joined this ongoing book project as second author. In 2010, Gad
started teaching the MBA elective course, Operations Strategy , that Jan began designing
and teaching in 1998. Second, while the first edition followed a "leading
strategy," in the sense that it contained material that hadn't been taught yet, this
second edition reflects how our MBA elective course has evolved over the last 7
years. It thus contains "class-room tested content." These two changes led to a
new chapter 2; majorly revised chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and appendix A; and
minor revisions of the remaining chapters.