Design: bid farewell to the hot hand and insert the needle into the tail of the cigar to effectively preserve the cigar.
Usage: dredge the cigar, insert the needle into the top of the cigar and rotate it slowly. The insertion depth is generally in the middle of the cigar. According to the air permeability, you can insert it several times, and then the air permeability of the cigar can be well solved.
Compact and portable: it does not occupy too much space and is easy to carry. You can put it next to your cigar knife, punch, lighter, key chain, cigar rack, cigar box, ashtray, suitcase, etc. it is a super practical cigar accessory and a perfect gift for cigar lovers.
After sales service: if you are not satisfied with our products, we provide return and exchange service. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you.