Pro-level technical tools: Corel DESIGNER, CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, XVL Studio Corel Edition, Corel Font Manager, Corel CAPTURE, AfterShot HDR, and for web or iPad
Produce detailed schematics and floor plans, complex maintenance manuals, and spare parts pages with precision, and ensure accuracy for isometric drawing, detailed callouts, and advanced dimensioning
Repurpose key assets: insert 3D models, data tables, and .DES or .CDR illustrations as linked or embedded objects into Corel DESIGNER for instant access, sharing and reference
Work with industry file formats like CGM, WebCGM, 3D PDF, and SVG with new interactive options, plus import from, and export to, over 100 data file formats, including EPS, DWG, TIFF, PNG, and JPEG
Expand your reach with Translation Memory System (TMS) support. Publish S1000D (incl. Issue 5.0) or ATA iSpec 2200 compliant IETPs, and deliver projects that feature 3D PDF and PDF/A support