On the South American Vibe (Volunteering, couchsurfing and hiking in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile Book 1)
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On the South American Vibe (Volunteering, couchsurfing and hiking in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile Book 1)
Travelog, aventura and guide - all of these elements blend into a tale of discovery. But a true story in our time. Told through the eyes of a young European, Michal, the people and places are brought alive by a personal Odessey through Latin America. You too can experience living close to the cultures and lands through his eyes and the characters he meets along the way. Lastly there are some helpful tips for your own journeying, should you be so inspired, as is the author's hope in writing On the South American Vibe. - Markus Petz (Proof reading and copy editing)
Travel diary "On the South American Vibe, Volume 1: Volunteering, couchsurfing and hiking in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile" is translation of first two chapters of Slovak book "Na juhoamerickej vlne".
You will read about - 3 months of volunteering with youth through European Voluntary Service in Montevideo, Uruguay - 2 weeks of helping near the farm of Melipeuco, Chile - 3 weeks in the middle of nowhere with Mateo, Raul Marin Balmaceda, Chile - lots of hiking and camping in national parks of Chile and Argentina - couchsurfing with 30 families from Uruguay, Argentina and Chile - and only three nights at hostels or family hostels during whole 8 months!
The full photo documentation of whole 15 months you can find at: http://picasaweb.google.com/na.juhoamerickej.vlne
What’s new in the Second edition - New subchapters - Added appendices - Added author’s note - Proof reading and copy editing by Markus Petz
For more information: http://www.michalknitl.com/ http://picasaweb.google.com/michal.knitl http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/michalknitl