Onyix Silicone Hydrating Sleep Mask for Nighttime Dry Eye Relief
Recommended for nighttime dry eye relief including Lagophthalmos, for use with CPAP, and for aqueous deficient dry eye and air travel.
Soft and flexible, this hydrating mask is made from medical grade silicone and rests inside the orbital bones. Fitted with an adjustable head wrap made of microfiber, it gently shelters eyes from drafts and low humidity environments. While you sleep or rest, the mask fogs up, creating a moisture rich environment perfect for relieving dry eye and related conditions. Lightweight and comfortable. Made in USA. Latex Free. Patent Pending.
Included in the kit: one Onyix silicone hydrating sleep mask in carrying case; one microfiber bag for cleaning; 4 thermopads for additional moisture.
I need a sleep mask; which one do I choose?
We offer three different hydrating nighttime shelters for different face structures: eyeseals 4.0, tranquileyes and silicone shields Onyix/Quartz. Our eyeseals 4.0 are made of medical grade thermal plastic and rest over of the orbital bones. We recommend them for nighttime dry eye, lagophthalmos (black), CPAP users with a partial mask (clear), patients with longer eyelashes who want to blink freely and recurrent corneal erosions. Our tranquileyes rest on the orbital bones and have viscoelastic foam and foam inserts that can be soaked in water for increased humidity. We recommend them for nighttime dry eye, lagophthalmos, air travel and recurrent corneal erosions. The smallest ones, Onyix/Quartz are made of silicone and rest inside the orbital bones. They are recommended for nighttime dry eye, lagophthalmos (Onyix), CPAP users with a full mask (Quartz), patients with smaller and narrower faces and air travel.