Rapid - Provides results in 20 minutes, enabling patients to learn their status in a single visit and allows HIV positive patients to be connected to care immediately.
Flexible - Approved for oral fluid, plasma, fingerstick or venipuncture whole blood specimens. Ideal for both clinical and non-clinical settings.
Accurate - Greater than 99% agreement with confirmatory Western blot.1
Simple - CLIA-waived for oral fluid, fingerstick and venipuncture whole blood and offers the ability to test in non-traditional testing environments, such as outreach programs and mobile testing clinics.
Patient-Preferred - Offers patients accurate HIV testing without the need for blood or needles. Pain-free testing with oral fluid means more people get screened, more HIV positive patients are connected to care and fewer people are exposed.
An in-vitro diagnostic home-use test for HIV (HIV-1 and HIV-2) in oral fluid. This test works by looking for your body's response to fighting the HIV virus (antibodies). This is an oral swab based test that does not require blood. FDA approved. Same test used by healthcare professionals. Results in just 20 minutes. Contains: test stick; test tube (containing 1 mL of fluid); disposal bag; instructions; booklets; package insert; pencil.