A mysterious alien space station appears beyond the orbit of Neptune. A threat to humanity’s existence but also a gateway to a galactic empire. For decades, humanity has sent a single champion to fight for our future. Every one of our finest heroes has been torn to shreds.
Now, this is final chance. Win and we win our future. Lose and we lose the Earth itself.
Rama Seti didn't exactly volunteer. His head was cut off and grafted onto the body of an 8ft tall, genetically engineered super soldier and then blasted into the outer Sol System. After all, someone has to battle the giant alien warrior and decide the fate of humanity.
First, Rama must survive four billion miles in the huge starship, the UNOPS Victory, training with the deadliest genetically engineered space marines, soldiers, fighters and killers the world has ever known. And each of them means to be the savior of the world.
If you enjoyed Ender's Game, Starship Troopers and Old Man's War, you'll love Orb Station Zero, the first in a new military science fiction series, Galactic Arena.