Redesigned Gentle Green Hexagonal Grid for Blue/Black Pen or Pencil Drawing (grid appears bolder in images for clarity)
Three-ring Binder Holes
Signature Periodic Table for Notetaking Included in Packet
Made in America
The Original. Draw organic chemistry notes at the "speed of lecture." Smartest design. Best quality material. Organic chemistry students need to learn complex new concepts during lecture, while having to accurately and legibly copy notes from the board. Many struggle to draw structures quickly enough to keep up with notetaking. Adjusting to organic chemistry drawing may be difficult because students must learn to utilize their visual-spatial cognitive abilities in order to think three-dimensionally (or stereochemically) about organic molecules and reactions. OrgoNote was designed to help students transition into the visual-spatial mode by providing a grid guideline for more accurate, precise and quick drawing during lecture without missing a beat, as well as handing in clearly written homework assignments to be graded correctly.