Welcome back to the world of ARS, a land where rats dance to the music, a place where someone who has been burned by love can find a second chance. This is the second volume in the adventures of Scott and Rhea. New characters are introduced, and lots of action and humor are present.
In this volume Scott and Rhea are separated for a time due to her need to do girl elf stuff. The sorcerer, impatient to become stronger, makes a foolish decision and is forced to deal with the outcome. The somewhat odd nature of the elf maiden Rhea is explained and more of everything that made the first volume good, returns!
Come, witness the spectacle!
This series is part of a group of stories that feature a similar main character who lives their life inside a game setting. As such, the name 'Scott', will feature in several different series.
Currently two of those stories are published. One is Origin ARS, and the other is Freelance Saga. The latter story has a bit of... monster girl related naughtiness... and is not suitable for all ages.