biologically appropriate cat food featuring -run chicken & turkey, wild-caught fish & nest laid eggs steam cooked in natural juices (no water added) 80% chicken, turkey, eggs & fish ingredients 20% fruits, vegetables & botanicals no grain, potato or gmos thats why orijen cat & kitten features unmatched inclusions of cage- chicken and turkey, wild-caught fish and nest-laid eggs all farmed or fished within our region and delivered to our kitchens fresh each day, so theyre brimming with goodness to nourish your cat or kitten completely. loaded with the richly-nourishing meat ingredients all cats need to thrive, orijens award-winning low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic formula supports healthy blood sugars for peak health and optimal body weight. and with each morsel now infused with ze-dried meats and liver, orijen cat foods are bursting with natural savory flavors that all cats love. prepared from canada's very best and freshest ingredients in orijen's own kitchens in alberta, canada. orijen is guaranteed to keep your cat or kitten happy, healthy and strong. feeding guide ingredients boneless chicken,* chicken meal, chicken liver,* whole herring,* boneless turkey,* turkey meal, turkey liver,* whole eggs,* boneless walleye,* whole salmon,* chicken heart,* chicken cartilage,* herring meal, salmon meal, chicken liver oil, chicken fat, red lentils, green peas, green lentils, sun-cured alfalfa, kelp, pumpkin,* butternut squash,* spinach greens,* carrots,* apples,* pears,* cranberries,* mixed tocopherols (preservative), chicory root, dandelion root, chamomile, peppermint leaf, ginger root, caraway seeds, turmeric, rose hips, ze-dried chicken liver, ze-dried turkey liver, ze-dried chicken, ze-dried turkey, dried enterococcus faecium fermentation product + vitamins and minerals * delivered fresh & preservative supplements:  choline chloride, vitamin a, vitamin d3, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid