OrthoStep Waxed Extra Thin Dress Round Shoelaces 2 Pair Pack - Made in the USA
Style: EXTRA THIN Waxed Dress Round Shoelaces - Approximately 1/16" (1.6 mm) Wide.
2 Pairs (4 Laces)
These EXTRA THIN Shoelaces are Designed To Fit Finer Dress Shoes
Added Core to Increase Tenacity - Durable Sleeve to Resist Fraying
High Quality Wax Coating - If You're Looking for REALLY THIN Laces to Fit Into Narrow Eyelets These Are It, THE BEST WAY TO FIND THE LENGTH OF SHOELACE YOU NEED: Remove the Current Shoelace From the Shoe, Measure it from Tip to Tip, This is the Length for the New Shoelace - Keeping in Mind to Add or Subtract to Your New Laces if Your Old Laces are too Long or too Short
These Hard To Find Laces Are Thinner Than Your Standard Dress Lace That You'll Find At Your Local Store. These Waxed EXTRA THIN Dress Round Shoe Laces are High Quality Dress Shoelaces. If You are looking for VERY THIN Laces, These are Extra Thin and High Strength shoelaces, Perfect laces for Dress Shoes with Very Small Holes. These 5 Components make The Laces High Quality: 1) High Quality Wax coating - Stiff. 2) Extra Thin - designed for today's finer dress shoes. 3) High strength braided construction. 4) Added core to increase tenacity. 5) Durable sleeve to resist fraying. The Waxed Dress Round Replacement Laces comes in a 2 pair pack (4 Laces). We have 6 colors for you to choose from, "Black, Brown, Classic Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, and Tan", and 12 different lengths to choose from, VARIES FROM COLOR TO COLOR, 24", 27", 28", 30", 32", 33", 34", 36", 37", 38", 40", 41", 45", 48", SOME COLORS HAVE LIMITED SIZES. For Sizing info: The best way to find the length of shoelace you need: Remove the current shoelace from the shoe, measure it from tip to tip, This is the length for the new shoelace - keeping in mind to add or subtract to your new laces if your old laces are too long or too short. MADE IN THE USA