PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS FOR BREAKTHROUGHS: 35 Powerful LIfe Changing Declarations for Daily Breakthroughs
Dear Friends,
Prophetic declarations for breakthroughs (volume 1) is inspired and put together to move your destiny forward and give you daily victory and breakthroughs in life by the power of declaration through your mouth. God has given us a wonderful weapon to enable us to reign in life. That weapon is the tongue.
This is why the bible affirms that life and death are in the power of the tongue. God has given man dominion over his creation and that dominion is through your mouth. God has positioned us above the enemy; all things are under our control. But if we keep quiet and do not speak, the solution will not manifest.
So many situation that have defiled prayers all the years all may just be waiting for a prophetic word from your mouth that will change the situation. The time has come for us to rise in prophetic declarations in the body of Christ.
We need authority via our mouth, moving in the power of God resident within us to dismantle the works of the enemy in our life, calling into being the will of God into situations and circumstances and speaking into existence that which does not exist.
When we make prophetic declarations, what we say becomes firm in the spirit realm first then it’s only a matter of time with consistency, it will manifest in the physical realm.
It is important to note that when you speak a prophetic declaration, you speak in the present as if you have already have it (Matthew 11:23-24). It is your present declarations that will become your future manifestation.
What you declare today is creating your tomorrow. It is your voice that will determine your victory in life (Psalms 81:10) with your declarations you will conquer all your enemies.
You are a king here on earth and every king rules by decree and declaration. So with this book in your hands, begin to declare and release the power for the miraculous work of God in your life.
This book will be a powerful tool in all Christian homes and for all believers, leaders and pastors. It will bring revival into your life, ministry, business, career, marriage and finances and establish your unending domineering in life. Prophetic declarations for breakthrough volume 1 will give you a testimony; you will never stop sharing till Jesus Christ comes!
Grab your own copy now!