Pack of 4 - Texas Pete Shaker Variety Set - Hot, Hotter, Garlic, & Green Chilis
Looking for the most popular Texas Pete flavors for your tabletop shaker set? BAM! All four bottles are the perfect 6 oz size for your table. These flavors will put some extra snap on your plate! Texas Pete Hot Sauce. A standard for any hot sauce lover, Texas Pete Hot sauce is a fantastic addition to steak, chicken wings, or even eggs! Well known, and loved, it *IS* the de facto standard in hot sauce flavor! Texas Pete "Hotter" Hot Sauce: Need more heat? Texas Pete "Hotter" Hot Sauce is rated at 3 times the heat compare to regular Texas Pete. Make that plate pop! Texas Pete Garlic Hot Sauce: It's hot with a garlic zing! Great with chicken and pork! Try it with pasta dishes! Texas Pete Green Chilis: Is it hot sauce, or is it peppers? The answer is, "YES!"