Painless Fractions (Barron's Painless)
This book shows students how to play many different fascinating numbers games, such as Dazzling Division of fractions, which makes numbers grow larger when they are divided! Painless Fractions is filled with intriguing “Brain Ticklers†and complemented with humorous illustrations. Titles in Barron’s extensive Painless Series cover most subjects taught on middle school and high school levels, and are written for students who find the subjects unusually difficult and confusing―or in some cases, just plain boring. Painless Series authors, all of them experienced educators, are experts at clearing up aspects of their subjects that students are likely to find confusing. These books also perk up students’ interest by emphasizing the attention-catching ways in which the subjects can be put to practical use. Most Painless Series titles take a light-hearted approach to their subjects, and all of them present fun-to-solve challenges with puzzles, games, and “Brain Tickler†problems. Although Painless Series titles are written primarily for middle school and high school students, older students and adults who need to refresh their skills will also find these books extremely helpful.
NEW BONUS FEATURE: Printed inside each new title is a code that gives kids FREE access to subject-related apps. They’re arcade games themed to match each book’s Painless subject. The apps can be downloaded on any iPhone, iTouch, iPad, or Android device.