In a new collaboration between Brooklyn's Reid Paley and Black Francis of the PIXIES, also known as Frank Black, the self-titled ''Paley and Francis'' album was amazingly recorded over two relatively short days this past September 2010 in Nashville, Tennessee. All first takes, the music was written in Paley's apartment in Brooklyn over three afternoons when Francis was in New York. Each took half of the songs to finish off with lyrics, and Francis went off to meet what he sometimes likes to call ''the old band'' for another tour. Days later, they found themselves at Jon Tiven's studio in Nashville, where each sang lead on the songs they wrote lyrics for and sang backup on the others. They worked fast. Francis had Pixies shows each evening, so they had a curfew. The two of them on guitars were joined by legendary Muscle Shoals players David Hood on bass and Spooner Oldham on piano. Damn, those guys are good. Hope you like it. Hope you dig the vibe.