Part 12.The Real And Secretive World Of Aliens And UFOs Known Only To 75 Americans (“Above Top Secret” Information about Aliens & UFOs)
Part 12 from a set of 12 parts. The Real And Secretive World Of Aliens And UFOs Known Only To 75 Americans
Published by Times Square Press. This book was published in this format to meet the needs of particular readers who constantly ask us whether there is a book by Mr. de Lafayette, which summarizes condensed information about alien, their world, structure, biology and organism, and UFOs's-USA equation and pertinent cover-up, because they could not afford to buy the dozens of books Mr. de Lafayette wrote on these subjects, and did not have the resources and time to find pertinent information scattered over thousands upon thousands of pages of previously published books and encyclopedias.
The series consists of 12 booklets at the lowest possible price: $0.99. View under this light, the present work should not be considered a repetitious publication, or a book of recycled information. Thus, it is advisable before you purchase this book to read its table of contents on line or at, and compare it with tables of contents of previously published books.
Contents Of the Complete Set
Part 1
*Aliens, contact/communication with:
*1-What should we do in the event they do contact us?
*2-So, why some aliens are here? What made them come?
*3-Telepathy is not the only method of communication.
*4-Telepathic communication between the Grays (Greys) aliens and contactees and abductees.
*5-No personal messages from aliens.
*6-Galactic languages
*7-Communicating with an alien during a meeting.
*8-On how extraterrestrials and/or aliens communicate with each other.
*9-Talking to extraterrestrials.
*Aliens and extraterrestrials, meetings with.
*The alien who arranged the meeting.
*Generalities: General assembly in the initial meetings.
*Meeting with three different non-human species.
Part 2
*Organism structure of various aliens' races.
*Not all aliens are alike.
*The brain's cell is responsible for everything.
*Aliens and extraterrestrials are built differently from us.
*Alien: Emotions are not wired to our cellular motor.
*Alien: "I start anew with another copy of my body."
*Alien: "We continue to exist through multiplication of ourselves."
*Alien: "We don't have waste in our bodies."
*Extraterrestrials manufacture themselves, and are born fully grown and mature.
*Smell (Odor) of aliens' bodies.
*Words "sex" and "intercourse".
*Aliens could not walk straight.
*Aliens' faculties and brain.
*No sense of time.
*The Grays are claustrophobic.
*How old are the extraterrestrials?
*What is their average life-span?
*Nature/substance of alien races.
*Three major races of aliens.
*Race 1: An intraterrestrial non-human.
*Race 2: The Anunnaki.
*Race 3: Naftarian.
*Catalogue of various categories of extraterrestrials and alien races.
*Complex machines were used by the aliens to talk to us.
*Protective suits.
*Copies of the reports and transcripts of the meetings.
*Who reviewed the transcripts of the meetings?
*Alien, 1948 meeting with a female, Transcript/Report: T: E/L.48.
*The meetings' dates.
*Q&A: Interviewing the alien.
*Explanation of the alien's answers.
Part 3
*Interviewing the alien
*Explanation of the alien's answers
*The first type of "Communication Device"
Part 4
*Interviewing the alien
*Comments on an early meeting with "Riyah", a female alien.
*The alien communicated with us through her "Cellular Motor".
*"We did not fully understand the alien's language."
*From a meeting's transcripts during the late period of 1948.
*From a transcript of a meeting in early 1949.
Part 5
*Aliens', summary of findings from and about.
*What we do know from aliens.
*What we do know about aliens.
*Summary of findings.
Part 6
*Excerpts from other meetings with aliens which occurred years later.
*Habitable planet or an Earth-like planet.
*Earth is the universe's dumpster.