Paul Mitchell Flash Back 10-Minute Hair Color for Men - Medium Neutral
Paul Mitchell Flash Back 10-Minute Hair Color for Men Any man can look as young as he feels! Discreetly conquer gray and white hair with natural-looking results in just 10 minutes. WN: Warm Natural, warm brown base N: Neutral, neutral brown base CN: Cool Natural, cool brown base Suitable for Levels 1-3: Dark Warm Natural, Dark Neutral, Dark Cool Natural Suitable for Levels 4-6: Medium Warm Natural, Medium Neutral, Medium Cool Natural Suitable for Levels 7-10: Light Warm Natural, Light Neutral, Light Cool Natural Directions: Mix "Paul Mitchell Flash Back 10-Minute Hair Color" shades in a 1:1 ratio of color to peroxide developer. For example, mix 2 oz. of "Flash Black Hair Color" and 2 oz. of Paul Mitchell 10 Volume Cream Developer. Always use immediately after mixing. You may purchase the Paul Mitchell 10 Volume Cream Developer by clicking on this link . Warnings: Hair color can cause severe allergic reactions. This package is designed and intended for use by professionals only. Instructions are for professionals, not consumers. Hair colorants are not intended for use on persons under the age of 16! This product contains ingredients that may cause skin irritation / allergic reaction on certain individuals which in rare instances can be severe. To reduce allergy risk read and follow the instructions prior to use. Tattoos, including black and temporary henna, may increase the risk of allergy! A preliminary sensitivity test according to the directions on enclosed insert is required, even by clients who have used hair coloring products before. Contains phenylenediamines (toluenediamines), resorcinol and ammonia. Wear suitable protective gloves. Rinse hair well after application. do not use on clients who have previously experienced a reaction to a hair colorant or a sensitive, itchy or damaged scalp. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows. Can cause blindness. Avoid contact with eyes. Rinse eyes immediately with water if products come into contact with t