#1 USDA GRADE A SELECT: Pearson Farm guarantees that all of our inshell pecans meet USDA No. 1 standards as found in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Pecans in the shell.
RICH IN ANTIOXIDANTS: Pecans rank highest among all nuts and are among the top category of foods that contain the highest antioxidant capacity.
HEART-HEALTHY SNACK CHOICE: Not just for dessert, they’re packable and snackable.
PECANS ARE PACKED WITH FIBER: One cup of pecans has about 10 grams of fiber - one-third your daily recommended intake
A HISTORY OF PECAN FARMING: For over 135 years, and five generations, the Pearson family has been growing pecans and peaches on their farm and caring for the land in Fort Valley, Georgia.
There's something rewarding about the process of cracking open nature's packaging and enjoying the results of your efforts, a fresh pecan. Our Caddo Variety In-Shell Pecan is Georgia Grown and #1 USDA Grade A Select.