People Management: Everything you need to know about managing and leading people at work
As a manager, it’s not always inherently easy to understand how to best lead and communicate with your team. You don’t become a great manager overnight—you have to work at it just like anything else you want to excel at. This book will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a better manager and leader of people.
What You Will Learn
The People Management Handbook is your guide to becoming a better and more effective manager. It covers a wide variety of topics intended to help you excel in the area of people management. In this book, you will learn:
How to boost employee happiness and retention
The skills you need to become a better manager
Why investing in employee development is important
How to gracefully and legally fire bad apples
Why a good employee onboarding system matters
How to increase productivity throughout your team
Inside the Book
Inside The People Management Handbook, you will learn everything you need to know about managing employees. Here's a quick snapshot of what's inside: Chapter 1: The Management Skills You Need To Lead Your Team Chapter 2: How To Write An Effective Employee Handbook Chapter 3: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Great Employees Chapter 4: Employee Benefits: Everything You Need To know To Stay Competitive Chapter 5: Employee Onboarding Best Practices Every Business Owner Needs To Know Chapter 6: The Complete Guide To Employee Development Chapter 7: A Quick Guide To Effective Employee Engagement Chapter 8: How to Manage a Disgruntled Employee Chapter 9: How To Fire an Employee: Everything You Need To Know Chapter 10: How To Battle Employee Turnover Chapter 11: How To Train Your Employees To Become Managers Chapter 12: How To Measure & Boost Employee Satisfaction
Why You Need This Book
Your employees deserve a manager who invests in their happiness, wellness, and success. Being a manager isn’t hard—but being a great manager is. If you want to build a team of loyal, motivated people who are proud to work for you and proud to represent your business, then you can’t just be an average manager—you have to be great. This book will help you get there.
Who is this book for? This book is intended for any business owner or manager leading a team of employees.
How long is this book? This book is made up of 11 chapters. It is 60+ pages and around 20K words.
How much does this book cost? It’s free! We just ask that you provide us with your email address to download. We respect your privacy and will never share your email address with outside parties.
What kind of topics are covered? Employee retention, onboarding, hiring, firing, motivation, productivity, and more.
Why should I read it? If you want to build a better, happier, more successful and loyal team, you need this book. It will educate you on a wide variety of management topics that you can use to become a better business owner and leader.
Why did you write this book? To help business owners and managers build stronger teams and more successful businesses.
Where should I go for more tips and advice? For even more ideas on employee engagement, management, HR, and business growth, visit the When I Work blog.