To effect a PERFECT LANDING all systems must be operating at one hundred percent efficiency and that is where Canadian Brass finds itself today. Leaders in the chamber music world once only enjoyed by the finest string quartets, the Canadian Brass routinely meets receptive audiences more typically witnessed in pop culture this disc represents the PERFECT LANDING of this entire Canadian Brass community. What better place to start the celebration than with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach his monumental and devilishly difficult Brandenburg Concerto #2 features the effortless piccolo trumpet playing of Caleb Hudson. In contrast to this solo work, Bach s Passacaglia And Fugue truly exploits the entire quintet. Add to that Luther Henderson s three re imagined titles from the Well Tempered Clavier have been included, as have four Spanish culture compositions that beautifully demonstrate the emotional impact and power of brass instruments, and four diverse but significant contributions to brass repertoire that will point the way for future generations of brass players. In between the oldest and newest works on the CD is the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Known for his chamber music, Mozart composed the fiery Spring Quartet. This chamber work has yielded an absolute masterpiece for brass ensemble.