This book is a continuation of my original 7 Day Book series.
Here is the first book in the series.
Here is the last Kindle book I put up on Amazon (Book-66).
I stopped putting my books up on Amazon because I felt as if I was just repeating myself. I felt that I hit a wall and that I was not making progress. That is...until I discovered the 100 Draw Coding System. This is interesting because that is exactly what I discussed on the very last book I put up on Amazon (Book-66). I just did not know at the time that this coding system would be THE solution I was looking for. However, this coding system is not the complete solution. The solution has 4 parts.
(1) Coding the next two numbers in the Win 4 game based on the digit distribution of the previous 100 numbers. (The solution I found works best in the Win 4 game – not so well in the Pick 3 game.)
(2) Identifying the codes of the hottest Win 4 doubles on the last 600 to 1000 codes collected in the last 10 to 12 months.
(3) Creating a program that automatically gives you the hottest Win 4 doubles after the previous 100 numbers are entered. This process is repeated every night; you enter the last 100 numbers to get the numbers to play for the two drawings of the following day (or the next drawing if you are in a one draw per day state).
(4) Playing the hottest doubles in 1, 2, 3, or 4 states… because putting all your eggs in one basket is not a good idea. States keep going back and forth between being hot and cold. Playing more than one state (assuming your budget allows it) increases your chances of hitting in a state that is currently hot.
The proof that this solution works is the fact that I am now getting consistent hits in the Win 4 game, as you can see here:
My biggest win right now is my $750 win on February 14, 2017 on the number 6246 in New York. I explain that hit in this book (Book-75). I follow this up with a detailed explanation of my coding system in Book-76 and by defining what I call the Actual Hitting Percentage (AHP) of the codes in Book-77. In Book-78 I explain a truly remarkable strategy that I call The 30 Day System. Reading these 4 books is absolutely essential to understanding my system. These 4 books will bring you up to date and explain my latest and most advanced strategies.
I got an email recently regarding the Reference Box (one of my early systems). I will tell you what I told this person. I told this person that they should pay more attention to what I am doing NOW because my current work (starting from this book) overrides and is better than everything I have done in the past. My latest strategies are much better than the strategies I used early on (Reference Box, Key Digits, ABC System, DTD, Basic Box, etc.).
Yes; there is some value in these basic systems - but these systems do not solve the basic problem in lottery games. The basic problem is knowing exactly WHEN a particular number will hit.
You see, that is the basic problem in the Pick 3 and Win 4 games: knowing WHEN a number will hit. It’s all about timing. This timing problem is solved by my coding system. My codes tell you specifically which numbers are most likely to hit in the next one or two drawings.