Picture Books: The Write Way (A Children's Writer Insider Guide from Mentors for Rent™ Book 3)
Picture books are especially close to to the hearts of Lisa Bullard and Laura Purdie Salas. They've been fortunate enough to work with fantastic editors on the way to having their own published. And over the years, they've coached hundreds of other picture book writers, offering them feedback about how they can make their manuscripts stronger and more marketable in today’s competitive publishing environment.
There are 10 key concerns that they end up addressing over and over again when they do picture book critiques. Many manuscripts have 2 or 3 of these problems in place—and almost every manuscript they critique has at least 1 of them! So they have focused on those 10 issues in this series of short essays. Each essay highlights one of the 10 key questions you will want to ask yourself about your manuscript. And if you find that your answer is “Yes—that is a problem for me,†they offer easy-to-apply writing tips to help you address that concern in your revisions.
Check out all of our Children's Writer Insider Guides from Mentors for Rentâ„¢ at