Bowling Pin’s have feelings, too, in this funny, uplifting and overcoming story of the pin who felt alone because he couldn’t seem to do what all the other pins did - fall. Poor Pinny just wants to fit in. He is tired of being the last bowling pin standing, making it nearly impossible for kids to bowl a strike. Everyone dislikes the last pin, the lone pin, the one who won’t fall no matter how many others do. As if it isn’t bad enough that the kids don’t like him, even the other pin’s don’t! He is making them look bad after all. But maybe, Pinny wasn’t meant to fit in? Maybe he was meant for something greater! Perhaps a doctor, a rockstar, or even the President! Kids will be imagining their own humorous occupations for Pinny, and sharing a laugh with the lovable character and the author who finally revealed the truth behind the bowling pins lives. This story is a perfect gift for anti-bullying, for a reminder to kids to never give up, and for those who just want to know why it’s so difficult to bowl a strike!