It's a rare singer/songwriter that can credibly display dual sides of his musical personality - one who can qite throughly and convincingly operate in opposite realms of popular music. With Please come Home, Dustin Kensrue joins those elite musical ranks. Indeed, with this batch of soul searching acoustic songs, which range from the dark, pyhilosophical and introspecti ve to the tender,k Kensrue in more likely to snare listeners more in tune with the work of Bruce Springsteen, ElvisCostello and Ryan Adams. Bombining classic folk with earthy blues, melodic country and deep soul, Kensrue creates a unique aural landscape complementing his music versatility. 'A lot of the material is a little more down to earth, which is one of things that I tried to do with these songs,' says Kensrue. 'I get a little heady with the Thrice songs. And I like doing that - I think people like engaging in that but I wanted these to be more folky, in the sense that this is music coming from a natural place.'