bUltimate Challenges... Supreme Victors!/bIncrease your power with impressive new Pokemon that will take you to the pinnacle of Pokemon battles the Battle Frontier! In the Pokemon TCG Platinum Supreme Victors expansion, youll find more sizzling Pokemon SP like Blaziken FB, more ferocious Pokemon LV.X like Charizard, and more opportunities to battle your way to the top! Your victory will be supreme when you play with Pokemon trained by Team Galactic, the Battle Frontier elite, and the Sinnoh League Champion! Platinum Supreme Victors features over 150 new cards and remains compatible with previous releases. * More than 25 new Pokemon SP! * Over halfadozen Pokemon SP LV.X, including favorites like Charizard and Rayquaza! * Powerful Supporter, Stadium, and secret cards! * Exciting holographic parallel set for players and collectors alike.