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To begin a new adventure, an explorer needs a map. Many individuals would like to start a musical journey, but the inability to read musical notation holds them back. This Music Pattern Song Book was created to give those brave souls a place to begin.
It’s Easy!
All one needs to do is match the color blocks or letters in these musical song patterns to an instrument, and beautiful music can be made. This book works well with xylophones, glockenspiels, hand bells and even pianos. Any eight-note instrument in a C to C scale can be used with this book.
Sometimes instruments vary in their color scheme, but most are labeled with the letter of the notes. All of this book’s song patterns are color-coded AND letter-coded, so as long as the instrument is marked with the letter of the notes, you can play along.
Some people use this book to help children who cannot yet read music play some tunes on the piano. They take pieces of easily removable white painter’s tape, draw colored dots on the tape that match the colors in the song patterns, and then place these dotted tape pieces on the piano keys.
A Place to Begin!
Many parents and classroom teachers feel unequipped to teach the next generation about music because they had little opportunity to learn themselves. Sometimes, older adults who missed the chance to play an instrument when they were younger are determined to begin. Music therapists are often looking for tools to bring music to their patients. Children delight in banging the keys of a percussion instrument but need some help to know what to do next.
Yet, where does one who has not yet learned to read musical notation begin?
Most people can match colors or letters, which makes color and letter coded music song patterns a good place to start.
Help for Parents and Teachers!
To help school teachers, parents and other community instructors start teaching music with Glockenspiel Xylophones, there are some classroom ideas at the end of this book.
Rounds and duets are included so that groups can make music together!
It is well documented that learning to play a musical instrument stimulates multiple areas of the brain and increases the brain’s cognitive ability, but it also enhances eye-hand coordination and balance. It can increase math ability and improve reading and comprehension skills as well as listening ability. Playing together in a group boosts leadership and team work skills and teaches discipline. Music fosters self-expression, creates a sense of achievement, relieves stress, and promotes happiness.
For Musicians of All Ages!
Starting a new activity, no matter what your age, takes courage, resources and support. These song patterns are provided to make it a little easier to take that first musical step!
Greetings, Beginnings, The Importance of Music, Music Patterns, Beat, Rhythm and Tone, Rhythm Block Example, Rounds and Duets, Benefits for Classrooms
The Songs:
London Bridge, London Bridge Harmony, London Bridge Double Notes, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Row Your Boat - A Round, Paddle Song - A Round, I’m a Little Tea Pot, The Can Can, Twinkle Little Star, Twinkle Little Star Harmony, Oh Susanna, Oh Susanna Harmony, Cripple Creek, On Top of Old Smokey, Pop Goes the Weasel, Pop GTW Harmony 1, Pop Goes the Weasel 2, Pop GTW Harmony 2, Ode to Joy , Ode to Joy Harmony, William Tell Overture, He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
Classroom Ideas Using a Tuned Glockenspiel or Xylophone:
Starting with the Beat, Instruments and Teachers, Finding the Notes, Activities to Get Started
Country | USA |
Manufacturer | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Binding | Paperback |
UnitCount | 1 |
EANs | 9781537173092 |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |