Practical Advice is a thought provoking and motiva-tional read about how to lead a good life within the framework of Islamic teachings. Throughout its ten chapters, the book weaves insights and life-lessons, along with stories and parables creating an engag-ing script for a reader of any age. Our community faces numerous challenges. These challenges are most profound for our youth. The youth are con-stantly met with both internal and external obsta-cles, trying to find themselves in a world of contra-dictions. Who am I? What am I? What am I meant to be?These are questions that young Muslims face every day. And even beyond the deep questions of intro-spection and identity, they face practical problems and obstacles. How do we balance our school or work life with our family life? How do we look at other people? How does pride and ambition play a role in our character? The authors are able to pro-vide insight and inspiration through this book for the youth that face these types of challenges.