What do you do when you are standing in front of a dead body—scream and wail as you fall apart, stare quietly in sadness, or bring him back to life? If you are anything like me, you believe that Jesus is the only real hope we have in this world, so you will do your best to be faithful to the hope He has given us—that even if we die, we shall live (John 11:25). This book isn't about the theology that can lead to success. This book is to help you figure out what to do when you are standing in front of a dead body, tackling tough questions. How can you be prepared for if and when he or she awakens? How long should you pray? What if he was an organ donor or was cremated--can he still be raised? What if we think they don't want to be raised? This book will answer these questions and more. This book will challenge long-held beliefs, and has the potential to offend as you read. If you can keep your heart and mind open, I believe that you will discover and learn Practical Keys to Raise the Dead.
Inside the book: •Right After Death - what to do right when someone dies •The Body Has Been Taken—Now What? - what to expect regarding mortuary services and legal options regarding the when and how of resurrection •Praying Over the Body - suggestions and advice on praying over the body •Physical Considerations - some practical things to help the resurrection-process go a little more smoothly •When Do I Quit Praying? - walking through the decision-process of whether to stop praying, and questions to help consider whether that is the right choice or not •The Price of Failure - a look at what life looks like if the resurrection doesn’t happen •Final Thoughts - the future of resurrection life in the Church