Presto HeatDish Parabolic Heater Plus Footlight Feels Like 3 Times the Heat, Costs 1/3 Less to Operate than Ordinary Electric Heaters. The PRESTO HeatDish Plus Footlight parabolic electric heater uses a computer-designed parabolic reflector to focus heat, like a satellite dish concentrates TV signals, so it feels three times warmer than 1500 watt heaters, yet uses a third less energy. Because it warms you directly, you feel the heat almost instantly without first heating the entire room. Features: Focuses heat where it's needed most ... on you! Keeps you toasty warm so there is no need to heat the entire room. Costs a third less to operate than 1500 watt heaters. Because it uses just 1000 watts, it can help save enough on electric bills to pay for itself in as little as one year. Handy top-mounted thermostatic control maintains the desired temperature automatically.