Once upon a time...
On the faraway world of Eternia, twins were born to the King and Queen. But soon after their birth, the little brother and sister were separated by fate.
The boy, Prince Adam, grew up on the planet Eternia. There, he learned the secrets of Castle Grayskull and that he had a great destiny.
His sister, Princess Adora, was kidnapped as a baby by the wicked Hordak. She was raised by him on the planet Etheria, a world that lived in misery under the rule of Hordak and his Horde. Like Prince Adam, Princess Adora was given a magical weapon. Hers was a sword and with it she was transformed into She-Ra.
Adora stayed on Etheria to work on the side of the Rebellion to return freedom to the land. It was for the day when goodness would reign again over Etheria that She-Ra pledged her power.