Privateer Press Skorne - Mortitheurge Willbreaker Model Kit
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Privateer Press Skorne - Mortitheurge Willbreaker Model Kit
Players take on the role of Warcasters as they lead their titanic forces into battle
Warcasters possess significant martial prowess of their own as well as having hardened warriors and magical spells to bring to bear
A warcaster's true strength lies in his ability to control and coordinate the mighty combat automatons at the heart of his forces-their warjacks
Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, machines, and creatures in their armies
WARMACHINE is fully compatible with its feral twin, the monstrous miniatures combat game of HORDES
Masters of the powers of death and agony, the mortitheurges known as willbreakers can influence the mind of an enemy soldier as easily as they can control the great beasts of the skorne war host. A soldier who faces a willbreaker knows the roiling fear of uncertainty, that his own weapons might be turned against his friends and allies or he might be forced to lay down arms and placidly accept the blows of the enemy. Few things can terrify a warrior more than the stark realization that his fate is not his own.
The Mortitheurge Willbreaker comes in a blister (PIP 74073). A player may field up to two Mortitheurge Willbreakers for each warlock in a Skorne army.