Programming: C ++ Programming : Programming Language For Beginners: LEARN IN A DAY! (C++, Javascript, PHP, Python, Sql, HTML, Swift)
Start Learning to Program in the C++ Language - In Just One Day! 2nd edition - NOW in paperback - with NEW added content at no additional cost!
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No matter what work you do with computers, there's no escaping the fact that you need to improve your programming skills. Have you ever come home after a long day at work wishing you were an expert programmer?
Don't crash on the couch - get motivated and start learning C++ right away!
C++ Programming: Programing Language for Beginners - Learn in a Day! explains why C++ is so useful and important in the programming world. Most operating systems, compilers, apps, drivers and a lot of other software are all written in C++. If you're a beginner you should choose this programming language first! Find out how to use variables, size changers, sign changers and other prefixes in your C++ code. Learn how to input and output data and write useful programs. Also, find out about the various kinds of operators, conditionals, loops, and arrays! Here's a preview of what you can learn from this helpful book: "An array is nothing more than a list of variables, all grouped together because they share common uses. It’s more a way of keeping everything neat and tidy, as you can see from the following code:
int a[5];
It looks like a standard variable but note the use of square brackets. These brackets contain the size of the array that you want in your declaration, or the number of variables, in this case, 5 integer variables. Arrays can be whatever size you want them to be, provided your computer has the RAM to take it, but they can only have one type of variable in them at any one time."
Download C++ Programming: Programing Language for Beginners - Learn in a Day! NOW to find out about this essential computing language and stop wasting your money on expensive, time-consuming, and ineffective learning methods.