Programming for Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services: A Servant Leadership Approach
Used Book in Good Condition
Meeting the needs of customers through effective recreation programs is imperative for leisure service organizations to survive and prosper in the 21st century. This new edition of Programming for Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services retains its user-friendly approach and servant leadership foundation. It includes updated material in all chapters, and additional material about social entrepreneurship and strategic planning. In addition, programmer profiles have also been added to each chapter to introduce students to recreation programmers in a variety of positions. The concept of servant leadership for recreation professionals is based on the premise that all recreation providers serve their customers through programs. The power of this model lies in the ability of its ideas to inspire us to be more than the sum of our individual parts. Throughout this book the authors advocate that recreation programmers should serve the individual as well as the overall communities in which we live. This service is realized through a combination of community and personal involvement in decision making as well as ethical and caring behavior on the part of the programmer. Whether a leisure services professional is working for a municipal recreation and park department providing recreational sports leagues for adults, a nonprofit organization providing special events, a social entrepreneur addressing contemporary social issues through recreation programs, or a commercial tour operator offering wilderness backpacking trips, this book provides cutting-edge concepts and practical knowledge for successful, professional programming.
The student/instructor CD includes: learning objectives, key concepts, study questions, application and practice opportunities and assignments as well as a test bank, and a PowerPoint presentation for each chapter. In addition, the CD includes summaries of award-winning programs, sample forms, brochures, and links to program-related Web pages