Puppy Sleep Training - The Exhausted Puppy Owner's Nighttime Survival Guide
Is your puppy making nighttime a nightmare? Professional dog trainer and housebreaking expert Rebecca Setler, best known for her free housebreaking website, The Housebreaking Bible, can help you turn that nightmare into sweet dreams! One of the most common problems experienced by new puppy owners is a puppy that just won't sleep at night, yet there are very few resources to teach you how to handle a nocturnal puppy who wants to scream, cry and have potty accidents instead of sleeping. Puppy Sleep Training - The Exhausted Puppy Owner's Nighttime Survival Guide is the first book dedicated to teaching you everything you need to know to help your puppy learn to sleep peacefully through the night. A must-have for anyone who has a puppy or is considering getting one... and it works for newly-acquired adult dogs who are having problems adjusting to a new sleep schedule, too!
Get the answers to your overnight puppy training questions, including:
How much do puppies sleep?
What should I expect from my new puppy on his first night home?
How can I teach my puppy to stop crying, barking, howling or whining in the crate overnight?
Where should my puppy sleep? Is it okay for my puppy to sleep in the bed with me?
What should I do about overnight scheduling for my puppy? How often does a puppy need to go out for a potty trip at night?
What can I do to prevent my puppy from having pee or poop accidents overnight?
My puppy won't sleep at night, but sleeps a lot during the day... what am I doing wrong?
How should I prepare my puppy for bedtime?
What are the rules for housebreaking and crate training my puppy at night?
Does my puppy need to have access to food and water overnight?
How long does it take for a puppy to be able to sleep through the night?
What can I do RIGHT NOW to quiet my crying puppy so I can get some sleep tonight?
... and more!