Made with real lamb and real vegetables and grains you can see
Beneful high protein dog food helps support strong muscles and contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
Beneful wet dog food is 100 percent complete and balanced for adult dogs and includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals to support his overall health
Serve this premium dog food with tender, meaty chunks in hearty sauce as a delicious meal, or use the Beneful dog food tubs as enticing dog food toppers mixed with his dry kibble
Beneful dog food with gravy proudly produced in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities and packaged in convenient recloseable tubs for easy storing of leftovers
Satisfy your dog's cravings for savory goodness with Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Roasted Turkey Medley wet dog food. Tender chunks with real turkey pack each bite with big flavor, and the essential vitamins and minerals help to support your dog's active and playful lifestyle. Made with real corn, wild rice, peas and barley that you can see, this recipe delivers 100% complete and balanced nutrition for your adult dog. That’s something to let you feel good about the foods you serve your dog while delivering on the scrumptious flavor he loves. The palate-pleasing texture and rich gravy keep him coming back for more, and the real, wholesome ingredients provide something you can both love. A resealable tub makes it easy to store leftovers after each meal, so Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Roasted Turkey Medley wet dog food is always ready to serve to your four-legged friend.
Feeding Guidelines: Adult Dogs: Feed one 10 oz. container per 10(en)12 pounds of body weight daily, divided into 2 or more meals. Adjust feeding amount as needed to maintain ideal body condition. Puppies: Growing puppies need up to twice as much food per pound of body weight as adult dogs. When feeding with dry product: One container of this product replace approximately 3/4 cup dry pet food. After opening, refrigerate and use within 2 to 3 days.
AAFCO Statement
Beneful Prepared Meals Savory Rice & Lamb Stew is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and maintain of dogs.