A group of teenage boys enter an abandoned middle school with larceny on their minds. The tables are quickly turned when an entity of great power locks them in and forces them to play his puzzle games. Dave (Sand Trap), who is violently tossed out because he can see the ghost, calls Mia for help, fearing police involvement.
The Paranormal Entity Exposure Partners arrive to help, but they find the building will only allow the guys in. The men venture in while Mia and Murphy are stuck outside unable to help them. The PEEPS must rely on their combined abilities and intelligence if they are going to defeat the ghost of Clinton Middle School and rescue the teenagers.
Meanwhile Mia, Dave and Murphy encounter a ragtag group of ghostly soldiers from the Civil War outside. They too want to get into the school, but for a far more sinister reason.
Join the PEEPs team as they put together the pieces of this ghostly puzzle.
Puzzle is the sixth book of the “Haunted Series.â€