Originally released in 1976, Pyragony (or Pyragony 10th or Pyragony X ) immediately faced mixed criticism by the press and among the loyal Amon Düül II fanbase. Often considered to be too pop for Düülites upon release, the sands of time have cast a new light on this release. High points include the group composition Flower Of The Orient , with its lovely Near East textures and Weinzierl s instrumental Crystal Hexagram . The word Pyragony doesn t exist in English, but is artificially made up from the Greek roots of the words fire and death throes . It was meant to evoke different meanings, which its reader is supposed to find out for himself. But if you think of an extincting fire with the release of their tenth LP you for sure aren t that wrong.
Amon Düül II, the second formation of this now legendary band, are one of the earliest and best known of the German experimental (Krautrock) bands. For the complete re-issue series of the Amon Düül II catalogue, the CDs will be released as remastered deluxe editions, with enhanced booklets, featuring new liner notes and photos.