Get all QuickBooks Pro desktop features, Plus industry-specific tools and reports
Import your data from a spreadsheet
New-improve your cash flow by tracking Invoice status at a glance
New-transfer Customer credits across jobs, quickly and easily
New-view unpaid bills from a vendor to easily manage payments
On paystub sick time now shows Current Accrued, Used, and Available. Warning when too much sick time is used. Inventory- You now get a warning if you try to inactivate an item that still has a qty on hand. The warning prompts you to adjust the QTY to zero, or accept that the inventory Valuation report will be off. Invoice Tracker- has a see history button when consolidates the history for the transaction in a separate window. Customer Credit Transfer- credit memos can be applied across all jobs for a customer, instead of tied only to one. Check for bills- guides the client to the Pay bills, filtered to a single vendor, when they try to write checks without the Bill Payment screens. Move QuickBooks to a new computer- a wizard that walks the customer through moving the QuickBooks data to a new computer system. Enhanced IIF import- no longer creates accounts by default, creates a report of import errors