🍏Sheet resistance: ≤ 15 ohm/sq(4 point probe) , CAS number : 50926-11-9
🍏ITO conductive glass : It is an indium tin oxide coated glass slides with low resistivity and high light transmittance. Coating Method: Magnetron sputtering, The working temperature is lower than 600℃. Transmittance:≥84%, The thickness of ITO film:1350Å ±50Å , Film gloss: Golden Yellow, Light Purple.
🍏Processing instructions: 90 pieces of laser cuted products,Complete conductive surface, High-quality transparent conductive materials suitable for Lab use.It is used as a consumable for research projects in electrochemistry, photocatalysis, solar cells, etc.
🍏Mass production process, through Magnetron sputtering to make the coating uniform and smooth,stable and firm, And each glass is separated by a paper film to protect the coating and avoid breakage. these are good slides or coverslip materials.ITO coated glass is widely used in mobile phone screens, OLED, electrochromic devices, electromagnetic shielding, photocatalysis, solar cells, biological experiments, electrochemical experiments (electrodes),such as electrochemical polymerization (ECP) .etc