Adorn your classroom, home or office with this map of the world. Each continent is presented in crisp, accurate detail.
World map centered on Africa presents the continents in vivid color.
Latitude and longitude marks and labeled countries and cities allow easy navigation.
Color-matched relief and other features are defined without affecting readability.
Printed on sturdy 80-lb paper stock.
Rand McNally's Signature World wall map features eye-catching bold and vivid colors that make this the perfect reference piece sure to stand out in any home, classroom or office. The precise detail and digital accuracy shows color-matching relief and other physical features without sacrificing the maps readability. World Features: Map centered on Africa allowing viewers to see continents complete and intact Clearly labeled country and city names for easy location Latitude and longitude indications Printed on high quality 80 lb. paper and displayed in enhanced bold packaging. Compact folded size for easy storage Dimensions: 50" x 32" Folded Dimensions: 8" x 11" Packaging: Shrink Wrap