Natural dog treats grain free and made from fresh sweet potatoes, grown, sliced and slowly dried to perfection in the USA! Our gentle cooking method seals in flavor and the inherent nutritional benefits of these dried sweet potato dog treats. Sweet potatoes, one of nature's nearly perfect foods, are high in dietary fiber and contain very little fat making these dog treats vegetarian and a low calorie addition to your dog’s daily diet.
Teach your furry friend to sit or stay with these vitamin and mineral rich, crunchy dog training treats. You will love the nutritional benefits and your dog will love the naturally sweet taste! Packaged in 3-ounce or 6-ounce re-sealable, zip-lock bags to keep these vegan dog treats fresh!
Through our commitment to sourcing from sustainable and ethical farms, we promise to deliver the highest quality sweet potato treats for dogs. When you buy from Raw Paws Pet you can have peace of mind knowing that you're giving your dog only the best healthy dog treats.
Country | USA |
Brand | Raw Paws |
Manufacturer | Raw Paws Pet, Inc. |
Binding | Misc. |
Size | 6 Ounce (Pack of 1) |
UnitCount | 1 |
UPCs | 854821006341 |
EANs | 0854821006341 |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |