NuPro Anti-Glare Screen Protector for Kindle (7th & 8th Generation)

Verso Clip Light for E-Readers
By LightWedgeIf you’re an avid bedtime reader, you’re certainly well acquainted with Snoozy McSnoozerson. No matter what that person lying next to you is named during waking hours, when consciousness settles into its daily twilight, and you need a bedtime story to take that final edge off, Snoozy’s saying a silent prayer your bedside lamp will suddenly burn out…and if you’re lucky, that’s all.
The Verso Clip Light is the solution you need to keep Snoozy’s grumblings at bay. The LED light and optical-grade acrylic lens keeps the light off them while evenly illuminating your e-reader for minutes or (up to 15) hours of strain-free enjoyment. The flexible neck adjusts perfectly to eliminate unwanted glare or reflection, and the grippy wide clip ensures a stable connection to your e-reader without getting in the way.

The Clip Light is part of the Verso E-Reader Lights Collection
Squinting. Overhead lights on airplanes. Bad hotel-room lighting. Grumbly spouses who don't understand why we won't just close the book, shut off the light, and go to sleep. And, yes, aging. These are all major life challenges that our Verso line of e-reader lights can help with, and we offer three to unique versions to choose from.
About LightWedge
Starting with the LightWedge Original booklight in 2002, Boston-based LightWedge has kept its focus on the development of innovative and style-driven reading accessories. With its Verso line of e-reader and tablet accessories, LightWedge brings more than a decade of accessories experience to a whole new stage.
Other Verso Collections
- Artist Series Collection E-Reader Covers
- Prologue Collection E-Reader Covers
- New York Times Collection E-Reader Covers
- E-Reader Lights

Sharyn Sowell Cities

Prologue Tan

Versailles Scholar Darwin OMG! Pink OMG! Green

Sharyn Sowell Cities Say Yes Swedish Wonder

Prologue Tan Prologue Red Prologue MarbledBlue

Versailles Scholar Darwin OMG! Pink OMG! Green

Darwin Say Yes


Prologue Tan Prologue Red Prologue MarbledBlue

Squinting. Overhead lights on airplanes. Bad hotel-room lighting. Grumbly spouses who don't understand why we won't just close the book, shut off the light, and go to sleep. And, yes, aging. These are all major life challenges that our Verso line of e-reader lights can help with, and we offer three unique versions to choose from.
All models fit the Kindle Touch, Kindle and Kindle Keyboard.

Verso Arc Light Verso Clip Light Verso Wrap Light