To best understand Larry Norman, you should realize that the man is a dichotomy, in the grandest sense of the world. While other rock stars existed to follow the prepackaged template to a tee even if that meant punishing another seemingly innocent hotel room Norman existed on an entirely different plain. He was the church boy holding his own in the decadent world of rock music, an insubordinate jester with a rebellious streak that stretched out long before the birth of punk, and a performer whose raw energy, spiritual force, and playful wit made him the endearing rock icon he is today. In Norman you have it all. A man unfairly saddled with the hefty burden of the ''father of Christian rock,'' yet he is a singer whose defiant lyrics and actions were shunned by the church-going status quo. Norman is a saint in a world of sinners, and at the same time, to some, he is a sinner amongst the saints. While other rockers spent their lifetimes trying to emulate Norman, they just couldn t catch the man.
-J Bacca (excerpt from Larry Norman biography included in The Anthology)