“Retired Broke-How to Fix Your Retirement†will help you find ways to pay for your retirement when you have little or no money saved. Do you wish to know the secrets to experiencing a happy carefree retirement? Creative solutions help you overcome any obstacles on your path to a lively retirement. This book will show you: •How to use assets you may already have to generate much needed retirement income. •Ways to take control of your healthcare costs being your own advocate using easy to follow tips. •Several out-of-the-box ideas to accomplish the travel you desire. •How to set goals for your retirement and make a plan to achieve them easily. •Tips to save money on Insurance, entertainment, transportation, food, and much more. Easy to read; it’s jammed packed with ideas to solve your underfunded retirement. “Retired Broke-How to Fix Your Retirement†will reassure you that you can live your life without a million dollar nest egg or any nest egg for that matter.