Ridge Outdoor Gear Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - Ripstop Nylon - Ultralight Hammock Tent Bundle with Bug Netting, Straps, Carabiners
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Ridge Outdoor Gear Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - Ripstop Nylon - Ultralight Hammock Tent Bundle with Bug Netting, Straps, Carabiners
BUY RIGHT THE FIRST TIME WITH OUR BUNDLEOthers include cheap carabiners / rope and charge extra for premium carabiners, straps, and a mosquito mesh. We give you EVERYTHING for 50% less!
Why Choose RIDGE?
â—†UPGRADED!-Now with an inside pocket & lantern loop!
â—†Your Purchase is back a U.S. Company in San Diego, CA
â—†210T Parachute Nylon-The same material that other top brands use (ENO, Grand Trunk) - soft, breathable, mildew-resistant and, if cared for, will last a lifetime NOTE: Parachute nylon hammocks are inherently thinner than cotton ones. Mosquitoes may bite through the bottom fabric: use a sleeping mat or blanket.
â—†Tree-Friendly Straps, not thin ropes-Many Parks have banned ropes because they damage trees. Choose our tree-friendly straps.
â—†Carabiners-Aviation-grade aluminum carabiners - 21g each and hold 1k lbs
â—†2-in-1 REVERSIBLE-Use as a regular hammock or with the bug net.
â—†ULTRALIGHT-1.66 lbs for everything. 25% the cost & 50% the weight of an "ultra light" 1-man tent.
â—†BUG & KNOT FREE-Our pop up net cover & knot-free system make it the easiest set-up of any netted hammock. Perfect for camping, backpacking, traveling, hiking, as a swing / bed, to sleep in the backyard, & a tactical survival shelter
â—†Sun-Proof Design-Blue fabric provides shading. It protects you from the sun, but doesn't block your view.
NOTE: SIZE=>SINGLE CAUTION: Use caution when entering our covered hammock as not to damage the net
Hammock Bundle ✔1 x hammock-120cmx250cm, fits 1 person laying down or 2 as a chair - 500 lb limit ✔2 x 3m Straps-10 Loops each ✔2 x carabiners ✔1 x Instructions ✔1 x Stuff Sack ✔1 x Zip up mosquito net cover with 2x flexible poles to hold the net
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Contact us ASAP if there is an issue