"My child can't remember the phonics sounds that I teach him. I have to teach them over and over!" Teach the phonics sounds so they stick! This kit includes 40 6x4 flashcards with the letter combinations, vowels, and the consonants superimposed upon a picture that gives that sound. An instruction card is also included. This is not only helpful for right brain learners but also for children with an auditory processing problem. Phonics can be fun and fast! Most left brain phonics programs rely heavily on auditory memory for the phonics sounds. They may provide cards with the letter combination (au/aw) written on the front of the card with no picture. On the other side of the card is a picture that gives the sound of the letter combination. In this process, there is no velcro for the child with an auditory glitch. The Right Brain Phonics Program provides cards with the letter combination (au/aw) embedded upon the picture that gives that sound. Because the sound and picture are on the same side of the card and is taught as a unit when the child sees a word with the letter combination (au/aw) on it the picture is retrieved along with the letters since they were stored as a unit. When a student sees the "au/aw" in a long word he can see in his mind's eye the picture behind the combination, helping him to easily retrieve the sound. These cards can be used independently or along with Dianne Craft's Right Brain Phonics Reading Book.