Two River2Sea (bn) 4x strong Treble #2, rattles, top water
Country of Origin:China
WHOPPER PLOPPER 130 We were catching so many big bass, both largemouth and smallmouth on the musky sized whopper plopper, we just had to make one the right size for bass! It operates at speeds from crawl so super slow you can't hear the tail, only the tiny glass beads that sizzle inside as the head shakes back and forth with each rotation of the tail. Speed it up and it throws water like a swamp buggy and has the same deep, hollow, whopper-plopping-fish-catching sound of the original! Like the original, it casts a mile so it's great for combing large flats or expanses and obviously its ability to work at the widest possible range of speeds makes it a great tool for tuning in the most productive speeds and rhythm of the particular day, a particular fish that might be following or one that's just watching other top water lures go by. Also, like the original the tail is perfectly tuned out of the box, is flexible and stays perfectly tuned forever.