Included in this Kit: -Pure Sucrose -5 Seeded sticks -growing vessel and lid -educational study guide and experiment instructions
Ingredients: pure sucrose, egg whites
Thinks you will need: 1-qt saucepan Spatula Measuring Cup Stovetop
A scientific experiment you can eat!Crystals grow to full size in just 7 days!While quartz crystals take tens of thousands of years to grow in nature, you can grow crystals of sugar in only a few days! In the process, students learn about saturated and supersaturated solutions, seed crystals, and the rate of crystalline growth. Included are all the materials to grow sugar crystals, along with a study guide. You will need to provide a saucepan, spoon, measuring cup, and a stove or hotplate.Includes enough pure sucrose and seeded sticks to make five individual-sized candies. Additional rock candy can be made using ordinary granular sugar (see included study guide for details).