Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi Temperature & Environment Monitor - 24/7 Online & Software alerting and Reporting to Prevent Downtime, Made in The USA
Easy Wi-Fi connect & setup for immediate IT & facilities physical environment monitoring.
Includes built-in sensor for digital temperature, Room Alert Manager software & “PUSH” technology.
Includes built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, 5V Power Adapter & online Room Alert Account dashboard.
Includes ports for 1 additional digital sensor & 1 switch sensor or dry contact.
Offers alerting by email, email-to-SMS, webpage update and more. Users requiring TLS email should consider the Room Alert 3S.
Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi is AVTECH's most economical wireless solution for "IT & Facilities Environment Monitoring, Alerting & More". This environment monitor is designed specifically to assist with monitoring room temperature and other environmental conditions where a small footprint is needed, where access to a standard Ethernet connection may not exist, when the investment cost needs to be minimal or deployment volume may be high. Add a digital sensor and switch sensor of your choice to expand monitoring with an easy "click connect", such as our Digital Humidity Sensor or Current Loop Power Sensor. The Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi temperature and environment monitor will work anywhere a Wi-Fi connection is available, simply use the included power adapter, connect to the Wi-Fi network and you are good to go. The Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi can be used to monitor temperature, humidity, flood, power, smoke, motion, and more in any sized facility. Room Alert can be monitored through AVTECH's online Room Alert Account dashboard, included Device ManageR software, or any other SNMP-enabled monitoring platform.