FROM 20 TOP DESIGNERS are found in this excellent oversize book from ROWAN! Features: artwork, sandy black-bodymap, sarah dallas, susan duckworth, kaffe fassett-christopher fisher-anabel fox-zoe hunt-sasha kagan-jamie and jessi seaton-lena stengard-muir & osborne-jane wheeler-carrie white-angela king-erika knight-jean moss-edina roney-martin kidman for joseph tricot. SUMMER AN WINTER KNITTING gathers together over 40 patterns from 20 top designers each one contributing a summer and winter garment each. The patterns are accompanied by short biographies of the designers and by suberb photographs of the garments in full color. Instructions are simple and straightforward with clear measurement diagrams and where, appropiate, large easy-to-follow charts. This book features an entirely NEW collection (for 1987) and the fashions are just right for today's fashion-conscious knitters.